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P5 English!

Hi everyone!! How are you??

During this school year, we've listened to a lot of stories and right now in P5 we are working on the story of The King and the Magic Clothes!! Moreover, during our English lessons we have also sung and danced songs and we have played lots of games!! We have been working on the alphabet all year through, and now we know a lot of vocabulary in English!!

We love learning English!


Hola, com esteu?

Durant aquest curs hem escoltat molts contes i ara mateix els nens/es de P5 estem treballant el conte de "The king and the magic clothes"! A més a més, durant les classes d'anglès també cantem i ballem cançons i fem molts jocs!! Hem estat treballant l'alfabet durant tot el curs i ara sabem molt vocabulari en anglès!!

Ens encanta aprendre anglès!!




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