Benvolgudes Famílies, Aquesta setmana, tot i que és l’última del trimestre, hem fet molta feina. A començat una nova estació: LA...
P3 English week
Hello everyone! This week we travelled to London!! Do you remember our puppets? One day they came to class and told us that they would...
During the last few weeks,we've been celebrating the English Week by doing a lot of activities, playing games, singing songs, doing arts...
P5 English Week
Hello! Do you remember that some time ago we introduced Elena to you? We were thinking... "if she speaks English where is she from?" "She...
Hola famílies! A psicomotricitat ens ho passem d'allò més bé. Juguem amb els companys i companyes i compartim moltes vivències. A...
Racons nous a P4!
Aquest trimestre hem engegat nous racons a Matemàtiques. Cada cop gaudim més perquè som més grans i sabem fer més coses.... Una activitat...
P3: Junts aprenem millor
Benvolgudes famílies, El conte que ens ha portat La Vella Quaresma, que cada vegada té menys cames i pot caminar millor amb la nostra...
P5 Arts & Crafts!
Hi families! We have completed many activities over the past few months. The results of this work are various objects that children have...
P4: Arts & Crafts
Hi families! How are you? We have done lots of crafts this term: We have been working on free drawing and figurative drawing with...
P3 Arts & Crafts
Hello families! This term in Arts and Crafts, we've learned about winter colours and different textures. We've also made carnival...