P5 English - Playing games in P5!
Hi families! We enjoy playing games and we learn a lot in P5! With these games we work on vocabulary and grammar structures. Some of our...
P4 English - Let's help Peter!
Hello everyone! Some weeks ago we received a message from Peter, an elf from the forest! He told us that he was sad because his forest...
P3 English - Help the farmer!
Hello everyone! A while ago we received a message from a pig, who told us that the animals from the farm couldn’t find the farmer, so we...
Els nens/es de P4 comencem a escriure!
Hola famílies!! Com esteu? Com ja sabeu a l’escola fem moooltes coses! Continuem treballant les lletres: fem el traç de cada lletra amb...
P5 English: Little Red Riding Hood!
Hi Everyone! Today P5, 1st and 2nd Grade students went to see the play “Little Red Riding Hood” by IPA Productions, at our school. But...
Celebrem la festa del carnestoltes!!
Un any més hem celebrat el carnestoltes a l'escola!!! Dilluns van arribar el ajudants del rei carnestoltes amb les seves consignes:...
P4 visits the street!
Hello families! Last week, we went down the street to visit some shops: the bakery, the fruit shop, the supermarket, the hairdresser......