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P3 ENGLISH: Story time!

Hello families! How are you?

Our English lessons are so much fun! We love listening to the stories that our teachers explain to us. One of the books that we are working on now is the story of the ugly baby duck!

We also enjoy singing and dancing and playing games, of course! As it is winter, we are also talking about clothes and snowmen…brrrr it’s cold! Finally, during the last few weeks we have started a new project about the farm, we will let you know more about this project soon.

Here you can see photos of some of the activities that we have been doing in class. See you soon!


Hola famílies!

Les classes de English són molt divertides! Ens encanta escoltar els contes que les nostres teachers ens expliquen. Un dels contes que estem treballant ara es el de l’aneguet lleig!

També ens ho passem d’allò més bé cantant i ballant i sobretot fent jocs! Com que ara és hivern també estem parlant de la roba d’hivern i dels ninots de neu…brrrr quin fred! Finalment, durant les últimes setmanes hem començat un nou projecte sobre la granja, aviat us explicarem més!

Aquí podeu veure una mostra de fotos d’algunes de les activitats que hem estat fent a classe. Fins aviat!




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