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During the last few weeks we've been celebrating the English Week by doing a lot of activities, playing games, singing songs, doing arts & crafts and more. Besides, we’ve talked about the most important things in London: monuments and emblematic places, transports… We’ve also been seeing many pictures and some objects of the city! Finally, we’ve recorded videos singing songs in English for all of you to see! They did a great job! It was so much fun! Check them out!...

See you soon and have a nice Easter break!

Aquestes darreres setmanes hem estat celebrant la English week fent moltes activitats, jocs, cançons, manualitats... també hem parlat de les coses més important de Londres: els monuments i lloc emblemàtics, els transports i hem vist fotos de les mestres i altres nens/es a Londres!

Per tal de tancar la English week hem gravat cançons en anglès per a que què tots veieu que bé que ho fem! I és que han cantat genial! Mireu, mireu...

Ens veiem aviat, i que passeu unes bones vacances!

By clicking on this link you can view all the photos and videos:


Les nostres etiquetes
Entrades recents
El que hem fet fins ara
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