P4 English - Let's help Peter!
Hello everyone! Some weeks ago we received a message from Peter, an elf from the forest! He told us that he was sad because his forest was dirty. That’s why we started a new project in order to help him taking care of the environment and the animals!! We will keep working on it during the next few weeks and soon we will also learn how to plant seeds and how they grow! See you!
Fa unes setmanes vam rebre un missatge del Peter, un follet molt entranyable que viu al bosc.
En Peter ens va explicar que estava molt trist perquè el seu bosc està molt brut. Per això vam decidir començar un nou projecte per ajudar-lo a cuidar l'entorn i els animals. Durant aquestes setmanes continuarem fent activitats entorn aquest tema i aviat observarem també com plantar llavors i com creixen les plantes. See you!!
D'altra banda, estem treballant el conte de “The little red Riding Hood" des de fa setmanes amb el "Big book", ens encanta i sobretot cantar les cançons..!