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P5 English: Little Red Riding Hood!

Hi Everyone!

Today P5, 1st and 2nd Grade students went to see the play “Little Red Riding Hood” by IPA Productions, at our school. But the story was very different! Little Red was a naugthy girl and the wolf was the good one. It was very funny! We sang the songs that we learnt at our English lessons! We love it!

At the end of the play we asked some questions in english to the main characters, such us: Do you like chocolate?, What's your name?, What's your favourite colour?, What's your favourite animal?...!!!!

Avui els nens i nenes de P5 juntament amb 1r i 2n de Primària hem vist a l'escola l'obra de teatre en anglès "Little Red Riding Hood", de la companyia IPA Productions. Però la història ha estat una mica diferent, la caputxeta era una mica entremaliada i el llop era el bo. Ha estat molt divertit! També hem pogut cantar les cançons apreses a la classe d'anglès. Ens ha encantat!

Al final de l'obra hem pogut fer algunes preguntes en anglès als personatges principals, com per exemple: Do you like chocolate?, What's your name?, What's your favourite colour?, What's your favourite animal?...!!!


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