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P5 English - We go on a trip!

Hello families!

During the last month we have started a new project. Our teachers want to travel to Minnesota (America) and we are helping them to prepare it. We are planning what is important by making a list: What clothes do we need? What is the weather like in Minnesota? Do we need money? How can we take photos of the trip? Also, we have found out it is very important to have a passport to travel and so we created our own!!

We are so excited to continue learning and get ready for the trip!

Hola famílies! Aquest últim mes hem començat un nou projecte d’anglès. Les nostres mestres estan preparant un viatge a Minnesota (America) i ens han demanat la nostra ajuda. Estem fent una llista de les coses importants a tenir en compte, com la roba, els diners, la càmera de fotos… Hem descobert que és molt important tenir passaport per viatjar, i fins i tot n’hem creat un nosaltres!

Seguirem aprenent més coses per estar preparats pel viatge!

Ja us anirem explicant!

Fins aviat!

Les nostres etiquetes
Entrades recents
El que hem fet fins ara
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